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In the loop: a round-up of this week's top industry news

Innovators' Summit - ENGLISH

We bring you a selection of the stories which have caught our eye in the past week.

·         The seven deadly sins of native advertising

·         Why publishers are wary of Facebook

·         How publishers should master audience engagement

·         Best practices for using content recommendation engines

·         YouTube and Facebook leave other video platforms behind

·         4 reasons NYT, Washington Post are increasing digital audience

·         Financial Times hopes faster website will boost readership

·         Major brands embrace virtual reality

·         How micropayments can deliver new revenue, readers and insights

Don’t forget: all of the above and much, much more will be discussed at the 10th edition of the Digital Innovators’ Summit in 2017. Registration is <link no_cache dis-register>now open, and you can <link no_cache dis-register>save €600 on the final delegate price when you book before December 1st.



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