Marketing and advertising on the radar screen
Marcus Rich (photo), IPC Media’s new CEO addressed attendees on Day 2 in a panel session about online marketing trends and the company’s ability to help brands via a deep understanding of their audience, reports FIPP's Amy Duffin.
Rich spoke of IPC’s “large and successful understanding of how to articulate with our audience.”
“Our uniqueness lies in the connection we have to a group of consumers, which gives us an opportunity to participate in new and exciting revenue streams,” he added.
When asked for his thoughts on programmatic advertising, Rich said: “When you start to see real quality in your data, it brings an excellent return to marketers, when used as part of a fully mixed media schedule.
Programmatic is an opportunity if the creative is right - no programmatic marketing campaign is going to work if it’s got lousy creative or doesn’t have a deep understanding audience.”
Rick Welch, head of programmatic sales, CatalystDesk, Condé Nast, USA, spoke to attendees about the company’s programmatic ad activity. Giving an overview of Condé Nast’s “move into digital,” Welch said that the last two years have seen the company’s “major part of the transition.”
Moving on to discuss how Condé Nast is using programmatic, Welch said: “We position ourselves as premium and we say our audience is affluent and influential. The digital advertising we’re focussing on now is specifically in social.”
He said that the ad tech landscape now is fast changing, complicated, messy and crowded. “As a publisher, the question is how do we most effectively navigate this mess and make it favourable to us?”
In this space, Condé Nast’s main goals are to create compelling content, give a great user experience and create compelling packages for advertisers. “Our approach to programmatic is to participate intelligently and carefully,” he said.