The third Future Media Lab. conference is in one week!
Next week, on 23 April 2013, 150 media experts, politicians and stakeholders will gather at the Bavarian Representation to discuss what the future of media in Europe holds. The conference, which is being organized in cooperation with the European Commission’s Digital Futures team, will be a very interactive event, aimed at getting people to brainstorm about how Europe’s media will look in the year 2050. The event will take place at the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU // Rue Wiertz 77, Brussels. For more information about the event, please visit the Future Media Lab website.
If you are interested in the topic of the conference, but are unable to attend, you can still be a part of the discussion via the Digital Future’s online web space: FUTURIUM. Here, we invite conference attendees and other interested parties to post their visions of the future. These online discussions will feed into what will be discussed at the event and will give participants the opportunity to continue discussions via future webinars and online forums. If you have an idea about how Europe’s media will appear in 2050, we encourage you to post it on the site.
Contact: Karin Fleming