Journalism technologist Ben Kreimer is one of the first fellows at Buzzfeed’s new Open Lab in San Francisco and will be a speaker at the upcoming Digital Innovators' Summit (DIS).
DIS contributor Chris Price looks at how, in a bid to distinguish their content from the rest, many large mainstream news publishers are launching specialist websites.
Incredible as it might seem the Apple Watch has been a product for just over year. After months of speculation and rumour the company CEO Tim Cook finally confirmed the existence of the watch in
Preisträger: Dirigent und Pianist Daniel Barenboim (Lebenswerk) | Drei Journalisten (neuer Preis für Pressefreiheit) | Staat Portugal vertreten durch Außenminister Rui Machete (Europäer des Jahres) |
Dankesworte von Dr. Norbert Reithofer, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der BMW AG, anlässlich der Verleihung der „Goldenen Victoria - Unternehmer des Jahres“ des VDZ auf der Publishers' Night