We live in a digital age, there’s no arguing that, writes SAP Exchange Media. Traditional advertising, such as print publications, radio, and television is also growing old. People pay less attention
He may not be heading a big corporation (yet), but Redg Snodgrass is likely one of the most well-connected men in Silicon Valley. Everyone in the Bay Area seems to be somehow connected to or at least
Digital native Tastemade, which bills itself as a food and travel video network for the mobile generation, is one of the companies that will be visited during the Los Angeles leg of the 2016 Digital
Now in its 9th year, DIS is an essential platform for content-driven and related companies to share digital innovations and insights. Organised by FIPP and VDZ, DIS 2016 takes place from 20-22 March
A record number of delegates compared to the same time in previous years has already registered for Digital Innovators’ Summit, taking advantage of our Early Bird discounted offer which ends this
The preliminary agenda for the Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS) in Berlin, Germany in March 2016 is now live with 36 confirmed speakers (and more to come).
Special offers, discounts and a chance to meet the people putting the content together are encouraging people to pay for digital content. Are membership schemes be the way forward for publishers to
By booking for the Digital Innovators’ Summit today, you will not only save €800+ on your delegate ticket but you will buy yourself an immersive learning experience second to none. DIS takes place
Journalism professor Jake Batsell is an expert on media membership models. At DIS he will talk about best practices he studied at the Texas Tribune and other media, about which models are likely
Hubert Burda Media is continuing to eye international expansion through digital and recently brought in Martin Weiss, founder of the management consulting company Solon, as head of its Burda Digital