Blockchain is a technology that its champions believe will transform many industries. Ingo Rübe and Daniel Sieberg take a look at Digital Innovators' Summit at what the technology is, and how it
In a world where content distribution has gone digital, we are witnessing the death of industrial marketing - paving the way for the Amazonification of media: a digital environment were the gap
On the first day of the Digital Innovators' Summit in Berlin Linda Ligios, Managing Editor of the Springwise innovation intelligence company, revealed the findings of a new innovation report into AI
The new Innovation in Magazine Media 2018-2019 World Report, the 9th annual worldwide innovations survey by Innovation Media Consulting (IMC) for FIPP was launched by Juan Señor, senior partner IMC
11. Digital Innovators’ Summit heute in Berlin gestartet | Internationale Medienhäuser und Tech-Companies präsentieren Geschäftsmodelle, innovative Fallstudien, KI- und Blockchain-Trends | 60
At the Digital Innovators’ Summit on March 19th to 20th, more than 50 innovators provide exclusive insight into new technologies for around 600 participants from more than 35 nations | first