The relationship between publishers and platforms, and in particular Facebook, was never far from conversation at several sessions at FIPP and VDZ’s Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin.
Blockchain is a technology that its champions believe will transform many industries. Ingo Rübe and Daniel Sieberg take a look at Digital Innovators' Summit at what the technology is, and how it
Maureen Hoch, editor of Harvard Business Review’s provided insight into the experimental work HBR has been doing with new media formats in the past year to reach and engage audiences,
Branchenübergreifende Koalition von Unternehmen, Organisationen und Verbänden der europäischen Medien- und Internetwirtschaft spricht sich in einem offenen Brief gegen die Pläne der Europäischen
VDZ President Dr. Rudolf Thiemann calls for an easing of the ePrivacy Regulation| Latest VDZ survey on the ePrivacy Regulation | The entire digital advertising market could face losses of more than