The Harvard Business Review has strengthened its brand through the use of digital. Deeper engagement through digital tools and experiences has helped grow HBR on all platforms, including print.
Kelly Leach, the new CEO of Piano Media with Press+ and former senior executive at the Wall Street Journal, provides insights into paid content and shares her experience with it.
FIPP, the worldwide magazine media association, will bring the world’s top magazine media research to Germany this year, to be presented, discussed and debated at Gruner + Jahr’s offices in Hamburg
Über 1000 Gäste aus Europa, Israel und USA trafen sich in Manhattan, um über verschiedene Aspekte des Lebens unter dem Eindruck der Digitalisierung zu diskutieren
Global Editors Network-Summit, 11.-13. Juni 2014: 500 Chefredakteure, 60 Referenten, 10 Workshops, 4 Keynotes, exklusiv reduzierte Tickets für den VDZ!
Senior magazine media business leaders participating in the Digital Innovators’ USA Tour (DI Tour) will meet a range of companies, all of which could have a profound impact on their thinking of the
Herman Kienhuis of Sanoma Ventures and James Tye of Dennis Publishing were on stage at the DIS, sharing insights into why and how their companies invest in startups.
Representatives from Sanoma and Dennis were on stage today at FIPP’s Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin to talk about why investing in startups is worthwhile for traditional media businesses.