… der Top-Speaker wird Klein seine Botschaft "Print and Re-Use" erläutern und Einblick in die Transformation seines Unternehmens geben. "Transformation 2.0" ist auch Thema von Felix Krohn (Vice…
Now in its 9th year, DIS is a premium event for executives in media, technology and related fields. DIS 2016 will feature more than 50 world-class speakers and a record number of attendees from
Colin Bodell is Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Time Inc, having joined the company from Amazon where, among other things, he led the technology team for the Kindle Store.
We live in a digital age, there’s no arguing that, writes SAP Exchange Media. Traditional advertising, such as print publications, radio, and television is also growing old. People pay less attention
… Ziel der Politik sollte es sein, einen ordnungspolitischen Rahmen zu setzen, der uns die erfolgreiche Transformation unseres Magazingeschäfts ermöglicht und darüber hinaus Chancengleichheit in der digitalen Welt…
… ever before."
He also advocates that programmatic buying will play an important role in the transformation of business as it strives to achieve true customer relevance with an individualization of…
Now in its 9th year, DIS is an essential platform for content-driven and related companies to share digital innovations and insights. Organised by FIPP and VDZ, DIS 2016 takes place from 20-22 March
W&V-Chefredakteur Jochen Kalka war mit dem Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger (VDZ) in Japan. Und hat eine Menge Eindrücke mitgebracht. Lektion eins: In Japan werden viele Tageszeitungen und