… eventual delegate rate if you book now with our "Mid-year Mavericks" option.
Some of the speakers in previous years included:
Andy Mitchell, FacebookBenjamin Edelman, Harvard Business SchoolCarsten…
… you will save at least €1,000 on the eventual delegate rate for 2016.
2. An incredible line up of speakersWe have already started work on the programme for 2016 and will again have a carefully chosen line up…
… heart of Europe’s startup culture.
The experienceApart from the top-notch programme and international speakers, delegates also have the option to book for add-on experiences such as:
Our Meet the Founder Tour…
Speakers include Eric Schmidt, Oliver Samwer, Arianna Huffington, Henry Blodget, Martin Sorrell, Martin Schulz, Sigmar Gabriel, Mathias Döpfner and many more
Zweitägiges Event der Fachmedienbranche startet heute | Motto: Cultural Change – neu denken und handeln | Keynotes von Prof. Dr. Christian Blümelhuber, Derk Haank, Mike Marchesano, Dirk Arnold |
… VZB, Waltraut von Mengden, in ihrem Amt bestätigt. Für ein inspirierendes Abendprogramm sorgten Keynote Speaker Tyler Brûlé, eine hochkarätig besetzte Podiumsdiskussion sowie die Dinner Speech von…
One lasting impression from this year’s Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS) in Berlin, Germany was that multi-platform strategies for magazine media companies are starting to bear fruit. See why.
Neue PRINT&more: Flaniergang durch eine lebendige Zeitschriftenwelt mit den Schwerpunktthemen Pressefreiheit, Gründungsfieber, Digital Innovators' Summit u.v.m.