… DIS:Digital Innovators' Summit 2017 takes place from 19-21 March (main Summit on 20 and 21 March) in Berlin, Germany. With digital in a continuous state of innovation and change, DIS2017 brings together experts…
… DIS:Digital Innovators' Summit 2017 takes place from 19-21 March (main Summit on 20 and 21 March) in Berlin, Germany. With digital in a continuous state of innovation and change, DIS2017 brings together experts…
PRINT&more mit großem Rückblick auf Publishers' Summit und Night | Der neue VDZ - Präsident in seinem ersten PRINT&more-Interview | Vielfalt der Männermagazine | "Die" IT-Konferenz
Im FAZ-Gespräch: Stephan Holthoff-Pförtner, Präsident des Verbandes Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger | erschienen in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 20.12.2016: Funke-Gesellschafter
…Seien Sie in Berlin
In 2017, vom 19. bis zum 21. März, werden wir unser 10jähriges Jubiläum feiern. Über die Jahre hat sich DIS den Ruf für das Premiumevent der internationalen Medieninnovationen in Europa gesichert,…
…it — is now in its 10th year. Last year saw record numbers of delegates flocking to the two-day conference in Berlin — the 10th edition promises to be even busier, with the usual stellar line-up of speakers. Remember,…
… DIS:Digital Innovators' Summit 2017 takes place from 19-21 March (main Summit on 20 and 21 March) in Berlin, Germany. Now in its 10th year, DIS is a premium event attracting more than 600 top-level delegates…
… DIS:
Digital Innovators’ Summit 2017 takes place from 19-21 March (main Summit on 20 and 21 March) in Berlin, Germany. Now in its 10th year, DIS is a premium event attracting more than 600 top-level delegates…