… weiter ausbauen konnte außerdem IWW Institut für Wissen in der Wirtschaft GmbH (IWW Institut/Vogel Business Media) mit einem Zuwachs von rund 335.000 (+31 Prozent) zusätzlichen Visits und verbessert sich…
… beschäftigt und war zuletzt als Chief Operating Officer unter anderem verantwortlich für Business Development, Marketing und Vertrieb. In der Zeit davor arbeitete er in verschiedenen Unternehmen in…
…Plattformstrategien und Datenjournalismus stehen im Mittelpunkt der Data Business Tour, die die Deutsche Fachpresse gemeinsam mit der IG Digital im Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels am 17. und 18. November in…
… 2017 event) was Lucy Küng’s overview on why some publishers are more successful in establishing digital businesses than others.
Lucy took the delegates through some of the main findings from her Innovators In…
… Software services, including entertainment, are likely to feature very highly on both of their business plans.
Ultimately then, for many in the publishing industry, driverless cars and the opportunities…
… 2016) have told their stories at DIS. They included Andy Mitchell (Facebook), Ben Edelman (Harvard Business School), Brian Garrett (CrossCut Ventures), Chris Altcheck (Mic), Frank Anton (HanleyWood), Henry…
… But the digital revolution is only a part, albeit a huge part, of a profound change in the very business model of the media business.
Media companies have had to 1) Realize that their content and revenue…
… Facebook is doing is opening up the blocked part of the Web. This is a clear win for Facebook's business.
It is important that Facebook has learned from what users have said. We know that when…
… und Functional Media (etwa Suchmaschinen)", erklärt Fachpresse-Sprecher Stefan Rühling (Vogel Business Media). Weitere Informationen zur Editorial-Media-Kampagne, ausführliches Argumentationsmaterial…