We live in a digital age, there’s no arguing that, writes SAP Exchange Media. Traditional advertising, such as print publications, radio, and television is also growing old. People pay less attention
Aktuelle nationale und internationale Fallbeispiele aus der datengetriebenen Content-Produktion und -Distribution | Wesentliche Trends und der positive Effekt von datengetriebenen Formaten | Konkrete
Peter Thiel, Martin Schulz und Bill Gates gratulieren dem Preisträger | Axel Springer zaubert Dachgarten der Facebook-Zentrale in Berliner Verlagshaus | Verleihung bietet Ausflug in die Welt der
Andy Bowers was appointed as Chief Content Officer of their new podcasting network Panoply in February 2015. Panoply not only produces audio content for Slate, but it also acts as a production
There has been a huge amount of debate in recent years on how publishers can use data to deepen their relationships with readers and users. Media companies still have a long way to go to rival the