Colin Bodell is Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Time Inc, having joined the company from Amazon where, among other things, he led the technology team for the Kindle Store.
Publishers compete against each other all the time with their own brands and the content they produce. However, there is a growing school of thought that argues that media companies should spend more
Content marketing is a growing industry with a yearly investment from brands that could well be in excess of $135 billion. Here are five key trends in content marketing and examples of how brands are
We live in a digital age, there’s no arguing that, writes SAP Exchange Media. Traditional advertising, such as print publications, radio, and television is also growing old. People pay less attention
… Bill Gates gratulieren dem Preisträger | Axel Springer zaubert Dachgarten der Facebook-Zentrale in Berliner Verlagshaus | Verleihung bietet Ausflug in die Welt der Virtual Reality | Ein Roboter kann den…
… beginnt mit einem Lunch im "Unicorn" in der Brunnenstraße, ein Co-working Space der Berliner Digitalszene. Inmitten von Einhörnern, Kaffee und Co-workers stellt Masoud Kamali, CEO und Gründer…
… für den neu geschaffenen Bereich "Luxus & Fashion" des Axel Springer Mediahouse Berlin und ist damit insbesondere für die Vermarktung der Frauenzeitschrift ALLEGRA und des Kunstmagazins…
… mit dem Bundesminister der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz, Heiko Maas, kamen am 29. Januar in Berlin Vertreter des VDZ und des Bundesverbands Deutscher Zeitungsverleger zusammen. Themen waren unter…
Andy Bowers was appointed as Chief Content Officer of their new podcasting network Panoply in February 2015. Panoply not only produces audio content for Slate, but it also acts as a production
He may not be heading a big corporation (yet), but Redg Snodgrass is likely one of the most well-connected men in Silicon Valley. Everyone in the Bay Area seems to be somehow connected to or at least