Senior magazine media business leaders participating in the Digital Innovators’ USA Tour (DI Tour) will meet a range of companies, all of which could have a profound impact on their thinking of the
Join the Digital Innovators' USA Tour, peer into the hotbed of digital ideas and innovation, and consider potential future opportunities available to your organisation.
Die Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Zeitschriftenverlage in Bayern (VZB) zeigte wieder einmal mehr, dass es den Verlagen gelungen ist, die Relevanz der Printtitel auch in der digitalen Medienwelt zu
Marcus Rich, IPC Media’s new CEO addressed attendees today at FIPP’s Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin about online marketing trends and the company’s ability to help brands via a deep
We are looking forward to having you at the 7th Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin. Here is a quick guide to help you make the most of your experience.