…Wie heute bekanntgegeben wurde, hat Vogel Business Media (Würzburg) ab sofort eine neue Führungsstruktur: Günter Schürger (49), Florian Fischer (49) und Matthias Bauer (35) übernehmen gemeinsam die Geschäftsführung des…
Immer mehr Menschen suchen Orientierung. Mindstyle- und Psychologie-Magazine versprechen Abhilfe | PRINT&more 2/2016 stellte das Zeitschriftensegment "Mindstyle" vor.
… more than 50 labels, is the world leader in recorded music, music publishing and merchandising business, with a catalogue across all music genres "stretching back over a century".
… industry caused by the growth of smartphones and the arrival of 4G. More recently, along with his business partner Michael J Becker, he has set up The Connected Marketer Institute, which aims to provide…
Nick Bell, VP of Content at Snap Inc., is the latest speaker to be added to the agenda for Digital Innovators’ Summit 2017 (DIS), bringing the total number of speakers to well over fifty.
… as key customer acquisition tool can often present many challenges to the brand.Here Sergio Liscia, Business Development Director of Wolters Kluwer Italy (who will speak at the Digital Innovators' Summit 2017)…
… system. The short story is I did not intentionally seek a path to become a journalist and now business-owner, but I have always been curious and my curiosity led me here despite lack of training for…