Vom Boom möchten die Zeitschriftenverleger nicht sprechen. Doch das Interesse an Zeitschriften sowie deren Verlängerung ins Web und Mobile sei in Deutschland ungebrochen.
… Mit einem Zuwachs von über 100 erscheinen in Deutschland mehr als 1600 Wochenzeitungen, Zeitschriften und Magazine – über 50 Prozent mehr als noch vor 15 Jahren. In die Hände spielt den Zeitschriften dabei, dass…
… of America – while PwC’s Entertainment & Media Outlook 2013-2017 reveals a challenging future for magazines.
It predicts the US consumer magazine market will be worth $23 billion in 2017, down from $25…
Rather than a print vs digital debate, it is about a symbiosis between platforms. It's about striking a balance, with due consideration to how the platforms can work together to strengthen brand
As we count down to the deadline for discounted pre-agenda registrations for the 7th Digital Innovators’ Summit, here are the speakers already confirmed to speak at the event.
Facebook’s Andy Mitchell, Director of Partnerships, is the latest speaker confirmed to take the stage at the 7th Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS) in Germany in March 2014. The DIS takes place from
With a career spanning 40 years, Frank Anton has had a front row seat to the digital revolution. He says businesses are now firmly focused on innovation – but the real winners will be those who think