B2B-Kampagne stellt die journalistische Qualität von Zeitschrifteninhalten als hochwertiges Werbeumfeld in den Mittelpunkt | Branchenbezogene Anzeigenmotive in den Fachmedien | Website
Sehr geehrter Herr Professor Burda,sehr geehrter Herr Scherzer,liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den Parlamenten,meine Damen und Herren,ja, vor 20 Jahren war all das für manche noch nicht so
24 speakers from companies and brands such Axel Springer, Schibsted, Time Inc., Paris Match, The Economist, Fusion, Refinery29, the NYT's T-Brand Studio and Reuters Institute of Journalism have so
Verleger wollen ihre großen Reichweiten im Web und Mobile besser monitarisieren: Interview mit Stephan Scherzer, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbands Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger (VDZ) - erschienen
In the United States podcasts are “re-emerging” as a business model for publishers and unlike a few years ago, advertisers are now willing to bet on audio downloads, writes Ulrike Langer for the
The Digital Innovators' Summit is a place to hear about the future of media and technology from the innovators who are driving change. Here are 7 leaders in media on why you should attend the event.
One of the UK’s most respected media groups “have changed the approach or direction of specific projects as a direct result of insight or thinking” from sessions delivered at the Digital Innovators’
Wolfgang Blau has been named Chief Digital Officer of Condé Nast International with responsibility for the digital growth of Vogue, Vanity Fair, Wired and other famous media brands in