Colin Bodell is Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Time Inc, having joined the company from Amazon where, among other things, he led the technology team for the Kindle Store.
Publishers compete against each other all the time with their own brands and the content they produce. However, there is a growing school of thought that argues that media companies should spend more
… teilen, die sich auf einen bestimmten Hashtag beziehen. Mit dieser Methode kann die HashtagNow-Community herausfiltern, welche Inhalte für sie relevant sind. Zudem bietet HashtagNow eine sehr geordnete…
… Molly McAleer to create HelloGiggles, an online destination for women that was branded as a positive community space, free from frat-humour and clickbait; a “no gossip” home for bloggers, crafters, and creators.
… und Produktbesessenheit - Manfred Braun über die kontinuierliche Verjüngung der Zeitschriften-Community
Allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz: Zeitschriften sind quicklebendig. Über alle Kanäle betrachtet, haben…
Renée Kaplan joined the Financial Times in May 2015 as their first Head of Audience Engagement. Lisa Oberndorfer talked to her about her position entails and why media companies should invest in
When most people think about Los Angeles, beautiful beaches, sunny skies and Hollywood usually come to mind. While all of these are accurate representations of LA, when the FIPP/VDZ Digital
Robert Hernandez, an innovator in journalism education, focuses on exploring and developing the intersection of technology and reporting. Here he is with what's cooking in his 'mad scientist of