DIS contributor Chris Price looks at how, in a bid to distinguish their content from the rest, many large mainstream news publishers are launching specialist websites.
EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz unterstützt Verlegerforderung nach fairen Wettbewerbsbedingungen | Neues Format "My Big Point" fokussiert Agenda der Medienhäuser | Verlegertreffen mit
Sam Olstein, Global Director of Innovation at GE, is the latest speaker to be confirmed for the Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS) in Berlin, Germany, taking place from 20-22 March 2016.
VDZ Publishers' Summit in Berlin von Hubert Burda eröffnet | Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hält auf Verlegerkongress die Keynote | 700 Teilnehmer, aus 450 Mitgliedsverlagen bei der Eröffnung
… MEDIENGRUPPE, Julia Jäkel, CEO Gruner + Jahr, Stefan Rühling, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Vogel Business Media, Philipp Welte, Vorstand Hubert Burda Media, und Dr. Andreas Wiele, Vorstand Axel Springer.…
24 speakers from companies and brands such Axel Springer, Schibsted, Time Inc., Paris Match, The Economist, Fusion, Refinery29, the NYT's T-Brand Studio and Reuters Institute of Journalism have so
… The Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer of Razorfish Germany is responsible for the strategic business of all customers of the agency as well as the agency itself.
…In the United States podcasts are “re-emerging” as a business model for publishers and unlike a few years ago, advertisers are now willing to bet on audio downloads, writes Ulrike Langer for the Digital Innovators’…
Anyone in the UK who has downloaded the new iOS 9.1 update to their iPhone or iPad may have noticed one new feature - and no it’s not the middle finger emoji that everyone’s talking about. Chris