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Digital Innovators’ Summit: Pre-event information for registered delegates

Innovators' Summit - ENGLISH

We are looking forward to having you at the 7th Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin. Here is a quick guide to help you make the most of your experience.

We are looking forward to having you at the 7th Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin in about 3 days.

The 2014 Summit will be our biggest yet, with more than 550 delegates, 35+ speakers, new sessions, start-ups, commercial expo, wearable computing demo area and several formal and informal networking opportunities.

Here is a quick guide to help you optimize your experience.

Weather and dress code:

In case you wondered what to pack, check the weather forecast for Berlin here. The dress code for is business casual, with an emphasis on comfort!


Deutsche Telekom Representative Office, Französische Straße 33 a-c, 10117, Berlin.

Check-in and badge pickup:

Begins at 08:30 on 24 March. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served.

At check-in, you will receive a summarised pocket programme, wifi access code and delegate bag. The full programme is available via www.innovators-summit.com, accessible from laptops and any mobile device.

Programme, new sessions and speakers:

The Summit programme will officially open at 09:30 on Monday, 24 March, with the last session for the day starting at 17:40. Afterwards there will be live music, dinner and drinks served at the DISFest networking party.

On Tuesday, 25 March, there will be coffee and a light breakfast available from 08:00 with the official programme starting at 09:00.

Following lunch on the 25th, we will introduce two new Digital Innovators’ Summit sessions starting at 14:30. Please note, pre-registration is required for the Future Media Lab. session.

Young Innovators @DIS

The Young Innovators @DIS will showcase start-ups presenting their concepts and business models. Each start-up will have 10 minutes on stage to present and take Q&As from the audience. It’s an opportunity to see start-ups that may offer opportunities for your business, and who knows, perhaps even one or two to invest in. Participating startups include Assum, Dropspot, Impossible Software, Jobspotting, Layzapp, Liquid News Room, Makerist, Pinio, and Wywy. You will receive more information on each at the DIS.

Future Media Lab. Workshop “Technology Disruptions”

In this session, selected experts discuss how technological innovation in social media impact the way advertisers will spend their money in the future and explores how media could adapt to these changes. Beside a deeper understanding of the issue, this session allows participants to get an idea about the level of impact social media innovation will have on their respective businesses. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to test their own ideas in small working groups. The session will be moderated by Daniel Knapp, Director Advertising Research at IHS Technology, and feature experts Audra Martin, Vice President Digital Advertising, The Economist Group; Bernard Cools, Deputy Director General, Space; Joelle Frijters, CEO and Co-Founder, Improve Digital; and Marcel Boulogne, Head of Sector “Audiovisual Media Services”, Converging Media and Content Unit, European Commission DG CONNECT. Space for this session is limited so please pre-register by emailing Karin Fleming contact[at]futuremedialab.info before 24 March.

For more on the programme and speakers:

  • See the <link dis-programme-2014>full programme
  • See the list of <link dis-speakers-2014>speakers

Networking and expo:

There will be several networking opportunities during the two days, in the expo area where we will also serve breakfast, coffee and lunch. In addition, there are two more networking opportunities – one pre-event on 23 March and one in the evening of 24 March.

Pre-event reception

You are invited to pre-event reception – hosted by Aquafadas – on Sunday 23 March, starting at 19:30 at the Humboldt Box located at Schlossplatz, 10178 Berlin. Drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be served. Please RSVP to Anja Mumm at a.mumm@vdz.de today, 20 March. The dress code is smart casual.


The DISFest, featuring live music, drinks and dinner with German specialties, takes place in the expo area starting at 18:15 on 24 March following the completion of Day 1 of the formal programme – a great opportunity to network and just have fun. Everyone’s welcome!

See who else will be at the 7th Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin – the confirmed delegate list as of 18 March 2014 is here.

Other arranged activities:

Meet the Founder tour:

More information will be sent out separately to those who have registered for the <link dis-network-startup-tour>Meet the Founder tour, taking place on Sunday 23 March, an exclusive guided tour of the Berlin startup scene, regarded by most as the startup hub in Europe. If you haven’t registered yet and would still like to go, please register <link no_cache dis-register>here.

DIS and Axel Springer Media Hackday:

Separate from the main Digital Innovators’ Summit, the DIS and Axel Springer will run Media Hackday on 22 and 23 March. A short video of the hackathon event will be presented at the DIS. Find more information here.

If you have any questions, please contact Anja Mumm at a.mumm@vdz.de.

See you in Berlin!

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