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New sessions at the DIS: glimpse the future

Innovators' Summit - ENGLISH Startseite

With news sessions identifying exciting start-ups and the impact disruptive technologies could have on your advertising business, this year’s DIS could send you away with a genuine competitive edge over your competitors.

Two new sessions at this year’s Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS) will look specifically at digital start-ups that could play a role in your operations in the future as well as how emerging social media platforms will further impact advertising.

The sessions will run on the afternoon of the second day, 25 March, and it is up to you which one to attend. See the full DIS programme here, and register today to  join near 500 other delegates from the around the world at the DIS.

Young Innovators @DIS
This session will showcase a host of digital start-ups, which will be given the opportunity to present their concepts and business models.

This will be your chance to get to know some of the companies that may have an impact on your business or could be an interesting extension. Each start-up will have 10 minutes on stage to present and take questions from the audience – who knows, you may even find a start-up you think is worth investing in.

Exciting start-ups are already confirmed, include Assum, Impossible Software, Makerist, Layzapp, Makeapoint/Pinio, Wywy and Dropspot.

Future Media Lab. workshop "Technology Disruptions"
This workshop will focus on how technological innovation in social media and the evolution of the underlying algorithms are disrupting traditional advertising spend in the digital world.

It will see selected experts discuss how these developments impact the way advertisers will spend their money in the future – and how media can adapt to these changes. The workshop will feed into a White Paper summarising the status quo of social media innovation and its impact on media, as well as providing policy recommendations to the EU.

Besides gaining a deeper understanding of the issue, it will allow you to get an idea about the level of impact social media innovation will have on your businesses.

Participants in the session include Marcel Boulogne, Head of Sector “Audiovisual Media Services”, Converging Media and Content Unit, European Commission DG CONNECT (Belgium); Joelle Frijters, CEO and Co-Founder, Improve Digital (The Netherlands); Bernard Cools, Deputy Director General, Space (Belgium); and Audra Martin, Vice President Digital Advertising, The Economist Group (UK).

See the list of all DIS speakers here.

Register for the 2014 Digital Innovators’ Summit today to ensure you gain access to these and other sessions focused on innovation in the media and related industries.

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