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“Video is expected now as part of the modern day web experience”

Ausbildung Print & Digital

Julian Lloyd Evans sieht große Potenziale beim Thema „Bewegtbild für Verlage“.

Julian Lloyd Evans, Dennis Publishing, spricht auf dem Expertenforum der VDZ Akademie: Potenziale von Bewegtbild! Neue Wege bei WebTV & Video, am 9. November in Hamburg.

How do you evaluate the online video market for publishing houses and which potential do you see?

Julian Lloyd Evans: The market is mirroring that of TV and digital as a broadcast medium. It’s more and more bought on “audiences” as opposed to brands or vertical channels. This allows better targeting and more “TV” money to flood into the market. Videology is a good example of this. If publishers are able to produce broadcast quality video it presents a fantastic opportunity as when “blended” with high-quality content creation and specialist editorial (e. g. motoring) – this creates interesting, engaging content that can be consumed on all digital platforms.

How does Dennis Publishing face the challenges of online videos?

Lloyd Evans: By creating assets for clients. We may not have numbers or reach but our videos are well shot, directed and produced by a small but dedicated team. This gives our campaigns and brands a halo effect of great value and so increases our overarching asset value. Syndicating (or selling bespoken) video now is what we’d like to move into.

Is video content already part of the app strategy of Dennis Publishing? (If so, where and in which way?)

Lloyd Evans: Yes. The “appification” of the web allows for niche broadcasting possibilities (tailored quality video to a targeted set of individuals) but in a far more personalized environment. Apps, with small reach and numbers, will only survive as media platforms if advertisers see value, engagement and interactivity. Video is at the heart of all of that. Apps are consumed on technology that are built for video – most devices across both smartphones and tablets have hi-res screens and as part of the interactivity that is expected within apps (particularly digital magazines).

What are the greatest challenges for publishing houses regarding online videos?

Lloyd Evans: Moving away from just worrying about preroll. Video is expected now as part of the modern day web experience, so it must form part of the experience in a way that engages advertisers but more so – users!

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