Was passiert bei einem Vulkanausbruch und wie funktioniert ein Navigationssystem? Viele naturwissenschaftliche und technische Phänomene lassen sich über spannende Geschichten erklären und erzählen.
Für die deutschen Zeitschriftenverlage war 2015 kein einfaches Jahr. Doch die Zuversicht in der Branche ist ungebrochen. VDZ-Hauptgeschäftsführer Stephan Scherzer im Interview mit der Deutschen
…Mark Cripps, The Economist’s EVP Brand and Digital Marketing, is convinced that marketing departments hold the key to the future of media companies. Tasked with among other things acquiring new subscribers for The…
…FIPP and VDZ’s 3rd annual Digital Innovators' Tour (DI Tour) to the US, takes place from 17 to 22 April 2016 and will take you to media and tech hot spots in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles. The DI Tour is…
…The preliminary agenda for the Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS) in Berlin, Germany in March 2016 is now live with 36 confirmed speakers (and more to come).
Mic.com builds its business on quality journalism targeting a millennial audience. Here we hear about how they engage audiences, their approach to branded content and how they scored an interview
Robert Hernandez, an innovator in journalism education, focuses on exploring and developing the intersection of technology and reporting. Here he is with what's cooking in his 'mad scientist of