Neues Yellow Paper der Kommission Veranstaltungen | Titel: "Veranstaltungen als Businesstreiber im Fachverlag" | Gebündeltes Praxis-Know-how: Wirkungsfelder und Erfolgsmessung im Geschäftsfeld Events
With digital media evolving at an incredible pace, new platforms and business models emerge all the time. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the change, and not all the answers are to be found
Renée Kaplan joined the Financial Times in May 2015 as their first Head of Audience Engagement. Lisa Oberndorfer talked to her about her position entails and why media companies should invest in
The last few years have been challenging ones for B2B media owners, but there are signs that revitalising old revenue sources as well as creating new ones have brought about new opportunities.
Für die deutschen Zeitschriftenverlage war 2015 kein einfaches Jahr. Doch die Zuversicht in der Branche ist ungebrochen. VDZ-Hauptgeschäftsführer Stephan Scherzer im Interview mit der Deutschen