Mic.com builds its business on quality journalism targeting a millennial audience. Here we hear about how they engage audiences, their approach to branded content and how they scored an interview
Deutsche Fachpresse vergibt Auszeichnung für "Fachmedium des Jahres 2016" und gemeinsam mit der Karl Theodor Vogel Stiftung für "Fachjournalist des Jahres 2016" / Einsendeschluss: 5. Februar 2016
The explosion of news and other types of content (from media players and user-generated, for example grassroots movements) has had a profound impact on content consumption habits.
Journalism professor Jake Batsell is an expert on media membership models. At DIS he will talk about best practices he studied at the Texas Tribune and other media, about which models are likely
One of the key changes in advertising in recent years has been the rise of programmatic buying. In many ways it has transformed the way that agencies and media companies view online display
Journalism technologist Ben Kreimer is one of the first fellows at Buzzfeed’s new Open Lab in San Francisco and will be a speaker at the upcoming Digital Innovators' Summit (DIS).
Incredible as it might seem the Apple Watch has been a product for just over year. After months of speculation and rumour the company CEO Tim Cook finally confirmed the existence of the watch in