Verleger treffen am 5. und 6. November auf Vertreter aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft | Der Branchenkongress der Zeitschriftenverleger nimmt transformative Trends in den Fokus
The relationship between publishers and platforms, and in particular Facebook, was never far from conversation at several sessions at FIPP and VDZ’s Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin.
In a world where content distribution has gone digital, we are witnessing the death of industrial marketing - paving the way for the Amazonification of media: a digital environment were the gap
The new Innovation in Magazine Media 2018-2019 World Report, the 9th annual worldwide innovations survey by Innovation Media Consulting (IMC) for FIPP was launched by Juan Señor, senior partner IMC
Die neue PRINT&more steht im Zeichen von verlegerischem Mut | Ausblick auf den Digital Innovators‘ Summit | Blick nach Brüssel: Neue VDZ E-Privacy-Studie | Interviews mit und Beiträge von: Stefan
VDZ President Dr. Rudolf Thiemann calls for an easing of the ePrivacy Regulation| Latest VDZ survey on the ePrivacy Regulation | The entire digital advertising market could face losses of more than