…Phil Thomas, CEO of the Cannes Lions Festival told attendees today at the Digital Innovators' Summit that creativity, simplicity and technology are the most important ingredients for success in the modern world
…all, SVP and CTO, printer and personal systems, Hewlett-Packard, USA, spoke in the final session today at the Digital Innovators’ Summit about innovations in technology and what we can expect in the future
…Matt Crystal, Pinterest’s head of international, spoke today at the Digital Innovators’ Summit about Pinterest, focusing on the company’s vision, how it works and how to make the most of the platform
Hearst Magazines International (HMI) is a global company with a footprint to match: 280 websites worldwide, 295,091,901 total uniques worldwide, 2.3bn page views worldwide and a presence in 47
…Lutz Finger, director data science/data engineering at LinkedIn, spoke about getting your data right at the Digital Innovators' Summit in Berlin today
…The number of delegates at this year’s Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin, on 23-24 March, will be record for the event. They are from 32 countries (and counting) and include CEOs, other C-suite executives, digital,…
…"Die ermäßigte Mehrwertsteuer auf digitale Presseprodukte muss endlich zugelassen werden – die EU-Kommission ist jetzt gefordert", so VDZ-Hauptgeschäftsführer Stephan Scherzer.
Hintergrund ist die…
…Kommission Digitale Medien nimmt Geschäftsmodell "Web-Video" unter die Lupe | Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele und Tipps für Einsteiger | 3., vollständig neu bearbeitete Ausgabe ist für Mitglieder der Deutschen Fachpresse…