David Nussbaum, CEO of F+W, shares his approaches and insights into transforming a 100 year old niche print publisher into a digital-first content and e-commerce company.
Hauptgeschäftsführer Stephan Scherzer über Bezahlmodelle, Google und die Rolle der Politik | erschienen in HORIZONT am 11. Dezember | von Jürgen Scharrer
The Harvard Business Review has strengthened its brand through the use of digital. Deeper engagement through digital tools and experiences has helped grow HBR on all platforms, including print.
Hackathon-Gewinner ausgezeichnet | Best Practices mit konkreten Lösungsansätzen für den Transformationsprozess | Positive Bilanz des Veranstalters VDZ Akademie
Members of the European Magazine Media Association, EMMA, welcome Auke Visser as the new EMMA President, effective as from today. He succeeds David J. Hanger, who is retiring following his nine-year