Hubert Burda Media is continuing to eye international expansion through digital and recently brought in Martin Weiss, founder of the management consulting company Solon, as head of its Burda Digital…
One of the key changes in advertising in recent years has been the rise of programmatic buying. In many ways it has transformed the way that agencies and media companies view online display…
Journalism technologist Ben Kreimer is one of the first fellows at Buzzfeed’s new Open Lab in San Francisco and will be a speaker at the upcoming Digital Innovators' Summit (DIS).
DIS contributor Chris Price looks at how, in a bid to distinguish their content from the rest, many large mainstream news publishers are launching specialist websites.
Incredible as it might seem the Apple Watch has been a product for just over year. After months of speculation and rumour the company CEO Tim Cook finally confirmed the existence of the watch in…
Preisträger: Dirigent und Pianist Daniel Barenboim (Lebenswerk) | Drei Journalisten (neuer Preis für Pressefreiheit) | Staat Portugal vertreten durch Außenminister Rui Machete (Europäer des Jahres) |…