The 7th Digital Innovators' Summit will feature speakers and delegates from many of the world’s best-known, most-successful and most-influential digital media businesses. But hurry if you haven't
The 2014 Digital Innovators' Summit will see many leading media brands - from magazine media companies to digital pure-plays and big brand marketers - share their strategies for success in the
With news sessions identifying exciting start-ups and the impact disruptive technologies could have on your advertising business, this year’s DIS could send you away with a genuine competitive edge
… Diekmann, BILD-Chefredakteur und Gesamtherausgeber der BILD-GruppeBoris Schramm, Managing Director der Medienagentur GroupMGodo Kraemer, Director Group Marketing Parfümerie DouglasStefan Rühling,…
We so far have attendees from 35 countries registered for the 7th Digital Innovators Summit - see the latest list (as at the end of business on 5 March) here. Register today to join them from 24-25
CEO of GroupM France Pierre Conte shares his views on where the advertising industry is headed, and what excites him about the future of the industry...
…Daniel Knapp, director of advertising research at IHS Technology talks to us about social media, data and advertising (including the logic behind Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp) and more.
As marketing budgets continue to shift, we take a look at the latest advertising trends and where budgets will be focused in the rest of 2014 and beyond…
…Joseph Wade, the BAFTA-winning filmmaker and director of creative advertising agency Don't Panic, identifies some of the key ingredients to making success branded video content that people really want to share…