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One organisation that has created a very successful paid content model is Condé Nast’s iconic magazine brand The New Yorker. Here Henry Finder talks…


Chefredakteurswechsel bei "frau aktuell". Kai Winckler übergibt die Chefredaktion zum 1. April 2016 an Wencke Boll. "Mit Wencke Boll konnten wir eine…


Wechsel an der Spitze von MERIAN


It is a debate that is likely to reverberate around the publishing world for many year to come. Should media companies focus on building their own…


Now in its 9th year, DIS is a premium event for executives in media, technology and related fields. DIS 2016 will feature more than 50 world-class…


Miroslava Duma, the founder of digital publishing company, Buro 24/7, on working with luxury brands, offline ventures and her company’s rapid…


Colin Bodell is Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Time Inc, having joined the company from Amazon where, among other things, he…


From innovative start-ups to established game-changers, there is much to look forward to when the 2016 Digital Innovators’ Tour visits San Francisco,…


Publishers compete against each other all the time with their own brands and the content they produce. However, there is a growing school of thought…


Content marketing is a growing industry with a yearly investment from brands that could well be in excess of $135 billion. Here are five key trends in…


We live in a digital age, there’s no arguing that, writes SAP Exchange Media. Traditional advertising, such as print publications, radio, and…


Aktuelle nationale und internationale Fallbeispiele aus der datengetriebenen Content-Produktion und -Distribution | Wesentliche Trends und der…
