Publishers are well aware of the importance and continued growth of mobile usage. New US data on mobile usage as well as glimpses into how US magazine publishers approach mobile may help guide
…Today, we announce the first speakers – from Google, Harvard Business Review, Hearst International and LinkedIn – for the Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS) 2015.
Kongress der Zeitschriftenverleger am 6. und 7. November in Berlin | Hochkarätiges Programm mit Keynotes nationaler und internationaler Branchen-Experten
Neue Studie mit dem Titel "Unter Wert: Die Unterschätzung der Medien in der modernen Gesellschaft" analysiert Rezeptionsverhalten im Hinblick auf die verschiedenen Mediengattungen
Smartwatches are the new generation of mobile. In just a few years, half of app interactions will come from wearables, predicts Gartner – publishers should make sure that they get their piece of this
… delegates and commercial expo all contributing to the sharing of latest ideas, knowledge and business opportunities at the event.
The 2015 DIS takes place from 23-24 March in Berlin, Germany – with in…
…Dr. Alexander Teutsch, 43, übernimmt zum 1. September 2014 die Position des Director Business Development & Strategy International bei der Motor Presse Stuttgart. In dieser Funktion verantwortet er die…