The last few years have been challenging ones for B2B media owners, but there are signs that revitalising old revenue sources as well as creating new ones have brought about new opportunities.
Evan Ratliff is the co-founder, CEO, and editor of Atavist, a media and software company that produces a digital storytelling platform and an award-winning magazine and e-singles publishing arm, The
The publication of the report into ad blocking by Adobe and PageFair last summer, ignited a passionate online debate about how publishers should approach serving display ads especially to mobile
When most people think about Los Angeles, beautiful beaches, sunny skies and Hollywood usually come to mind. While all of these are accurate representations of LA, when the FIPP/VDZ Digital
As we speed into 2016 some predictions for the year already feel old. But there's no doubt it will be another "interesting" year for publishers.
Just this week Digiday wrote, "The
Das Online Marketing Rockstars Festival ist in den letzten fünf Jahren zu dem Hamburg-Event geworden für alle Online-Marketing-Macher und -Interessierte. Inzwischen kommen 10.000 Besucher, die
Der skeptische Optimismus der Prognose für 2015 (PRINT&more 4/2014) war nicht ganz unberechtigt. Drohende massive Verschlechterungen in den Bereichen Datenverarbeitung, Werbefreiheit und Urheberrecht